First Holy Communion
The Masses celebrating First Holy Communions will be parish based. Ideally, in its proper context, they should take place at a Sunday Mass. The only reason children celebrate First Holy Communion is to introduce them to the wonderful gift of the Eucharist which should be at the centre of our lives as catholics, and to impress upon them its tremendous significance. It is extraordinary and somewhat sad, to see a full church on the day of celebration and the next day, Sunday, with only a handful of children. First communion day is not a social ritual or a rite of passage its meaning is to be found in the love of Jesus for us as shown by his death on the cross. At every Mass we encounter Jesus and draw life from him.
Given the large numbers of first communion children in our parish we will celebrate first communions on Saturdays on a school by school basis for the moment.
The children will continue to be taught the religious education programme Grow in Love as normal .You can support your child’s faith development by praying with them, revising prayers and responses sent home as homework and attending Sunday Mass regularly.
The emphasis of our first holy communion Masses will be on helping the children to appreciate the deep spiritual meaning of what they are celebrating.