Al Anon | 01 873 2699 |
Alone | 0818 222 024/td> |
Alateen | 01 873 2699 |
Alcoholics Anonymous (Mon-Fri up to 5pm) |
01 842 0700 |
Alcoholics Anonymous (Mon-Fri after 5pm & weekends) |
1890 412 412 |
Alzheimer Society of Ireland | 1800 34 1341 |
Aware | 1800 30 2302 |
Anti Bullying Centre | 01 608 2573 |
Body Whys | 1890 200 444 |
Cancer Helpline | 1890 200 700 |
Childline | 1800 666 666 |
Crisis Pregnancy Counselling | 1890 200 857 |
Cura Helpline | 1850 622 626 |
Domestic Violence | 1800 444 944 |
Family Mediation Services | 01 634 4320 |
GROW | 1890 474 474 |
Gamblers Anonymous | 01 872 1133 |
LIFE (Pregnancy Care Service) | 1850 281 281 |
Narcotics Anonymous | 01 830 0944 |
NOVA-(Victims of Abuse) | 1800 252 524 |
National Pregnancy Helpline | 1850 495 051 |
Parentline | 01 878 7230 |